TeSR™-E8™ is a feeder-free, animal component-free culture medium for human embryonic stem (ES) cells and human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. It is based on the E8 formulation developed by the laboratory of Dr. James Thomson (University of Wisconsin-Madison), the lead research group behind the design of mTeSR™1, the most widely published feeder-free culture medium for pluripotent stem cells.
Like mTeSR™1, TeSR™-E8™ medium is made with the highest level of quality and care. It contains only the essential components required for maintenance of ES and iPS cells, providing a simpler medium for the culture of pluripotent stem cells. TeSR™-E8™ may be used with either Corning® Matrigel® hESC-Qualified Matrix (Catalog #07181) or, for a completely defined xeno-free system, Vitronectin XF™ (Catalog #07180, a matrix developed and manufactured by Nucleus Biologics) as the culture matrix.
Advantages: • Simplified, low-protein formulation based on the popular mTeSR™1 medium for maintaining human ES and iPS cells