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Dr. Miro Koulnis
Dr. Miro Koulnis has been working in the
areas of cell biology and flow cytometry for over 10 years. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Massachusetts for his research on molecular pathways in erythropoiesis. He is currently an Application Scientist at Sony Biotechnology, involved in training and support of flow cytometry users in the areas of cell biology and oncology.
Cell sorting has become an indispensable tool used for isolation of different samples ranging from large tumor cells and neurons, to small nuclei and bacteria. Even as cell sorters become automated and easier to use, challenges associated with sorting these biological samples continue to exist.
Join this educational webinar to learn about the key aspects of sorting that should be considered to ensure optimal sorting results for different applications.
• Review first principles of cell analysis by flow cytometry
• Learn about the key considerations for setting up your sorting experiment with focus on optimizing sample prep, instrument parameters and post sort analysis
• Understand best practices for optimal sorting of large, fragile cells, immunophenotyping panels and nuclei
Join this educational webinar to learn about the key aspects of sorting that should be considered to ensure optimal sorting results for different applications.
• Review first principles of cell analysis by flow cytometry
• Learn about the key considerations for setting up your sorting experiment with focus on optimizing sample prep, instrument parameters and post sort analysis
• Understand best practices for optimal sorting of large, fragile cells, immunophenotyping panels and nuclei