方法:我们开发了一种辐照灭活方案,试图在完全灭活病毒的同时,对热灭活方案中病毒蛋白的保留情况进行改善。 通过感染性试验来确认病毒已不存在感染性,同时使用 ELISA法对灭活的新冠病毒样本中的核衣壳蛋白(N 蛋白)进行定量。并用四种市售侧向层析免疫检测产品(LFIA)进一步评价了 PROtrol 新冠病毒样本的免疫原性。
结果:感染性试验表明,灭活样本未出现细胞病变效应(CPE),因此表明不存在感染性病毒。在感染(CF)、辐照(PROtrol)和热灭活(CFHI)的培养液中分别测量 N 蛋白。(图 1)结果表明,与感染性培养液(CF)相比,PROtrol 保留了新冠病毒N 蛋白的免疫反应活性,优于 CFHI。通过 4 种市售新冠病毒侧向层析免疫检测产品测得的反应活性一致且符合预期,进一步证明 PROtrol 保留了 N 蛋白反应活性。
结论:本研究表明,我们成功开发了用于新冠病毒抗原检测的灭活质控品 PROtrol™。辐射可有效灭活病毒,同时与热灭活相比,更好地保留了蛋白质结构。 感染性试验证实不存在感染性病毒,ELISA 检测灭活样本中的核衣壳蛋白。
Influenza B Virus (Strain: Washington/02/19) is an enveloped, negative sense, single stranded RNA virus from the Orthomyxoviridae family. The diameter of an Influenza viral particle is 80-120 nm.
Influenza B Virus was propagated in MDCK cells. The viral culture fluid was clarified via centrifugation to remove cellular debris prior to inactivation.
PROtrol™ (Protein control) is formulated with viral particles that have been modified to render them non-infectious. Each vial contains 1.0 mL of Influenza B Virus PROtrol™ frozen in No FBS DMEM media.
The pre-inactivation titer was determined from an infectious aliquot. Each lot of PROtrol™ was tested using an Influenza B Virus Nucleoprotein (NP) ELISA.
Viral inactivation is verified by the ab-sence of viral growth in tissue culture-based infectivity assay.
PROtrol™ is intended for use in analytical and quality control testing of antigen-based assays. The suitability and performance characteristics should be determined by your laboratory for each intended usage.
These products are NOT intended for use in the manufacture or processing of injectable products subject to licensure under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act or for any other product intended for administration to humans.