赛多利斯- 膜分离技术之过滤超滤



Desalting and Buffer Exchange Procedure

1. Select the most appropriate MWCO for your sample. For maximum recovery, select a MWCO 1 to 2 the molecular size of the species of interest.

2. Fill concentrator with up to the maximum volume stated in the device operating instructions*, (e.g. 20 ml if Vivaspin?20 is used).

3. If the sample is smaller than the maximum device volume*, it can be diluted up to the

maximum volume before the first centrifugation step. This will help increase the salt removal rate.

4. Centrifuge for the recommended amount of time at an appropriate spin speed for your Vivaspin?model*.

5. Empty filtrate container?.

6. Refill concentrator with an appropriate solvent.

7. Centrifuge again as before.

8. Empty filtrate container?.

9. Recover the concentrated, de-salted sample from the bottom of the concentrate pocket with a pipette.

编辑: snail    来源:丁香园