概要 TeSR™-AOF 3D is an animal origin-free culture medium developed for expansion and scale-up of undifferentiated human embryonic stem (ES) cells and human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells as aggregates in 3D suspension culture. Based on TeSR™-AOF, TeSR™-AOF 3D is a robust medium with an optimized fed-batch protocol for scaling up human ES and iPS cell production in suspension culture. The novel fed-batch workflow saves time and media; daily feeds replenish nutrients and eliminate the need for medium exchanges on non-passaging days.
The TeSR™-AOF 3D system is compatible with cells previously cultured in mTeSR™1 (Catalog #85850), mTeSR™ Plus (Catalog #100-0276), TeSR™-AOF (Catalog #100-0401), or TeSR™-E8™ (Catalog #05990) on Corning® Matrigel® hESC-Qualified Matrix (Corning Catalog #354277), Vitronectin XF™ (Catalog #07180), or CellAdhere™ Laminin-521 (Catalog #77003). TeSR™-AOF 3D is compatible with a range of suspension culture vessels.
No materials of animal or human origin are used in the manufacture of this medium or its components, to at least the secondary level of manufacturing. TeSR™-AOF 3D is animal component-free to the secondary level. Each lot of TeSR™-AOF 3D Seed or Feed Supplement that is used to prepare complete TeSR™-AOF medium is performance-tested in a culture assay using human pluripotent stem cells.
产品优势 ⦁ Minimize risk of your choice of ancillary materials by selecting a medium with no animal raw materials to the secondary level of manufacturing ⦁ Reduce time and labor with a fed-batch feeding strategy that does not require full-medium changes ⦁ Scale up high-quality hPSCs rapidly without requiring adaptation from 2D culture