Cayman Chemical Company,Inc. 品牌商

4 年



Cayman Chemical Company,Inc.

入驻年限:4 年

  • 联系人:

    Kristina Whitfield

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  • 业务范围:

    试剂、抗体、细胞库 / 细胞培养、ELISA 试剂盒

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Steroid Hormone ELISA Kits

49 人阅读发布时间:2022-04-25 11:21

Researchers have trusted Cayman’s collection of steroid hormone ELISAs for decades to study effects in metabolism, inflammation, immune function, osmoregulation, sexual development, and stress responses. Designed with competitive assay principles, each kit offers highly sensitive detection in the low pg/ml range, reliable and reproducible results, and flexible use with multiple sample types. These kits are backed by the guidance of Cayman’s knowledgeable technical support scientists and in-house assay development team. Inevitably during an experiment, questions come up about the appropriate use of an assay.

Cayman’s steroid assays were developed to give the best sensitivity possible, while maintaining good signal-to-noise ratio. The assay range and sensitivity of each assay is listed in the kit booklet and can be viewed in the product tables below. Low concentrations of steroid hormones are often physiologically relevant, and variable concentration ranges of steroid hormones are typically seen depending on the sample in question. Cayman’s steroid assays report pg/ml or ng/ml levels of sensitivity and support a wide dynamic range to accommodate these factors. For example, serum levels of testosterone range from <70-200 pg/ml in women to <70-12,000 pg/ml in men, depending on age. Cayman’s Testosterone ELISA Kit offers an assay range of 3.9-500 pg/ml and a sensitivity of 6 pg/ml. In the infographic below, the range of concentrations of physiological steroid hormones in human serum reported by the Mayo Clinic is compared to the assay range and sensitivity of Cayman’s steroid hormone assay kits. Note that these ranges are offered as a guide only. Each laboratory should establish their own range for their experimental variables.

Cayman’s assay kits undergo rigorous quality testing to deliver the sensitivity and specificity needed to detect biologically significant analyte levels. Sensitivity is defined as the 80% B/B0* point on the standard curve. In general, this corresponds to the Lower Limit of Quantitation (LLOQ). 80% binding is the minimum level where reliable, reproducible data can be obtained and represents the minimal functional sensitivity outside of the range of statistical bias. This point of quantitation can be trusted to give you reliable, reproducible data. Cayman also provides researchers the Lower Limit of Detection (LLOD) along with the assay’s high-low range and 50% B/B0 mid-point (the direct center of the most reliable portion of the curve) to further qualify the ELISA’s robustness. Several of our competitors define sensitivity by the LLOD, which is usually considered the mean zero plus two standard deviations. While this is the lowest level of analyte detected by the kit, this range is typically not reliable nor reproducible and may reside at a concentration below the linear range of the assay. This value typically lies below an assay’s functional sensitivity range.
*%B/B0 - (%Bound/Maximum Bound): ratio of the absorbance of a particular sample or standard well to that of the maximum binding (B0) well.

Steroid Hormone Assay Kits.pdf



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