


维也纳兽医大学、维也纳医科大学和 路德维希 Boltzmann 癌症研究所的科学家们与 TG 公司合作开发出可明确识别细胞的结构和蛋白质,以提供可靠的诊断结果的新型软件,该文章发表在 2014 年 Plos one 杂志上。文章中介绍能鉴别组织切片中的癌细胞,并证明细胞上特异性生物标志物的存在。总体信息提供疾病的精确图片并带来最合适的治疗方法。实验中利用特殊算法和高度敏感的数码拍摄分析了在癌症的发生过程中起重要作用的 STAT5 和JunB,将肝细胞癌分为「阴性」和「高度阳性」。



The technology-platform of TissueGnostics GmbH (Vienna, Austria) provides tools to quantify protein expression levels on immunohisto-chemically (HistoQuest) stained tissue slides or cell preparations. The software programs are based on single cell detection by identification of nuclear structures .

For analysis with the HistoQuest software, hematoxylin staining was used as a master marker for cell identification on the basis of nuclear detection. Regions of interest (ROIs) were defined as indicated, which were analyzed and quantified separately from the surrounding stromal areas. The general setups were done on a representative image. All images were analyzed with the same settings after adjustments.

Forward and backward gating was routinely used for quality control of measurements. The results are visualized in dot plot scattergrams and/or histograms. For statistical analysis the raw data of the analysis were imported into GraphPad Prism, analyzed for significance and processed for data output as whisker box blots.

编辑: weicf    来源:丁香园

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奥地利 TG 公司-提供全球顶级的免疫组化、免疫荧光单细胞定量分析平台,该设备是一款融合流式细胞术及免疫组织学技术为一体的高科技产品,实现了科学界有史以来第一 次对组织细胞中单个细胞进行鉴定和 RNA、 DNA、蛋白的定量分析。
