


Images were captured using an Olympus-DB software, coupled to the microscope camera. The measurements of c-Fos immunopositive nuclei were determined using TissueQuest analysis software (TissueGnos-tic,Vienna,Austria). By two independent operators,blinded to the experimental groups. The single values obtained by the two operators were concordant with an approximation of about 5%. These values were averaged and used to calculate the total number of c-Fos-positive nuclei in the regions of interest in each mouse. These values were used to calculate the mean ± SE in each experimental group. Figure:Scale bar(b) = 30 lm. Bar-graphs show the number of c-Fos positive nuclei in the hippocampus (c) and cortex (d) measured in mnd (black bars) and control mice (white bars) respectively. Data are expressed as mean ± SD and represent % changes of control values.

挪威理工大学神经科学系与意大利 MarioNegri 药理学研究所的 Pro.Mleo 等人 2010 年发表于 Journal of Neurochemistry 杂志,利用 TG 公司 TissueQuest 软件对星形胶质细胞功能性障碍在病理方面的作用与价值进行研究。


编辑: weicf    来源:丁香园

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奥地利 TG 公司-提供全球顶级的免疫组化、免疫荧光单细胞定量分析平台,该设备是一款融合流式细胞术及免疫组织学技术为一体的高科技产品,实现了科学界有史以来第一 次对组织细胞中单个细胞进行鉴定和 RNA、 DNA、蛋白的定量分析。
