

刘必佐(Tony Liu)

Tony Liu 微软 19 年,先后担任多种管理职位:全球财务总监,微软中国 CFO,微软全球战略计划部总经理负责微软中国战略投资。2009 入职阿里巴巴为集团副总裁,负责阿里巴巴国际电子商务和海外战略投资,并担任过阿里巴巴万网 CFO。2014 年 Tony 参加西比曼作为 CFO,积极推动公司从干细胞扩展到免疫细胞平台,并成功将西比曼上市纳斯达克,成为中国第一家美国上市的细胞治疗公司, 西比曼在 Tony 的带动下积极推动细胞治疗规模化,标准化,和数字化。

Mr. Liu formerly served as the Corporate Vice President at Alibaba Group responsible for Alibaba’s overseas investments. Since joining Alibaba in 2009, Tony held various positions including Corporate Vice President, corporate finance, and General Manager for the B2C global e-commerce platform.  He was also Chief Financial Officer for HiChina, a subsidiary of Alibaba. Prior to joining Alibaba, Tony spent 19 years at Microsoft Corporation where he served in a variety of finance leadership roles.   Mr. Liu obtained his Washington State CPA certificate in 1992. He was appointed as Chief Financial Officer in January 2014. He was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Company in February 2016.

编辑: zhuq    来源:丁香园

Meeting Registration
会议时间 Time
11 月 15 日
November 15th, 2017
会议地点 Venue
北京国宾酒店 2 楼 宴会厅
2F Ballroom,The Presidential Hotel Beijing
北京阜成门外大街甲 9 号
No. 9A, FuCheng Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China
主办单位 Organizer
China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange
协办单位 Co-organizer
GE 医疗生命科学事业部
GE Healthcare Life Sciences
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