Michael H. May|加拿大再生医学中心总裁兼 CEO


Michael May.png
Michael H. May, PhD
President & CEO  Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine

Michael May 博士现任加拿大再生医学中心(CCRM)总裁兼首席执行官。CCRM 是个非盈利组织,致力于发展包括细胞治疗、基因治疗的再生医学领域的技术研发和相关学术或产业活动。CCRM 现有 70 名工作人员,与多个学术机构、50 以上的行业合作伙伴建立联盟,通过为技术研发筹集资金和设备,生产细胞产品和孵化企业,CCRM 为利益相关者的构建健康和经济的利益模式。在来到 CCRM 之前,Michael May 博士是 Rimon Therapeutics 公司的总裁兼联合创始人。

Michael May is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM), a Canadian, not-for-profit that develops technologies and launches new companies by supporting both academic and industry activities in the field of regenerative medicine, including cell and gene therapy. With a staff of 70, a network of academic members, 50+ industry partners, dedicated funding and facilities to develop technologies, manufacture cell product and incubate companies, CCRM is generating health and economic benefits for its stakeholders. Prior to CCRM, Michael was the President, and co-founder, of Rimon Therapeutics Ltd., a Toronto-based tissue engineering company developing novel medical polymers that possess drug-like activity.

编辑: zhuq    来源:丁香园

Meeting Registration
会议时间 Time
11 月 15 日
November 15th, 2017
会议地点 Venue
北京国宾酒店 2 楼 宴会厅
2F Ballroom,The Presidential Hotel Beijing
北京阜成门外大街甲 9 号
No. 9A, FuCheng Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China
主办单位 Organizer
China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange
协办单位 Co-organizer
GE 医疗生命科学事业部
GE Healthcare Life Sciences
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